Da vi kom til stranden og vi skulle til at g? ud og snorkle(det er n?sten det eneste vi laver) kom der nogle fra vores bhotel/b der larmer meget mere end hvis vi larmer alt hvad vi kan i klassen! S? gik vi tilbage efter vi havde v?ret ude ...
Sara Sekkenes (NPA), John bRodsted/b (photographer), Anne Capelle (ICBL. "Four years ago you had 270 accidents, three years ago only 180 and last year only thirteen accidents. Thirty people had been affected by these accidents, three of these got killed. b.../b Vilanculos was once the big bvacation/b paradise in Mozambique. When the stars from Hollywood on bvacation/b in their swim suits were pictured in the glossy magazines, the surroundings were often the ones from Vilanculos. b.../b
But driving into Istanbul at peak hour with no maps, an insane GPS and an inaccurate address for the hotel makes for a colourful end to the day. We have absolutely no idea where the hotel is, central or suburban, no idea. ...